To raise awareness, build trust and improve disproportionality within Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, we offer free online training for members of the public, young people, local organisations/businesses and the police force.
DCCS Panel Training Focuses On
Stop & Search and Use of Force Police Powers
The members of the panel training team are gifted with training which explores the range of statutory powers of Stop and Search. The College of Policing provides training for police officers in the UK. The training includes information about significant events in history related to stop and search. The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has published a National Stop and Search Learning Report which identifies where good and bad practices are seen, and where there are opportunities to drive real learning.
Understanding Policies and Procedures
Training will ensure DCCS Panel members are able to learn about the legal practicalities, decision-making, unconscious bias and fair and respectable treatment, using case studies based on real Stop and Search events. An overview of current fair and effective processes and legalities, in line with the ethical underpinning of The College of Policing, is explored to ensure that the Panel are able to effectively scrutinise conduct viewed. An opportunity to apply your new skills will be included, allowing for group discussion and an understanding and confidence in attending panel meetings will be gained.
Trauma-Informed Practice
Panel members also learn about trauma-informed practices, covering a range of sensitive topics, such as child victims of domestic abuse and county lines. A deeper dive into crime prevention and safeguarding children will enhance DCCS Panel member’s ability to understand some of the psychology to be considered when scrutinising footage.
Data Analysis
In our data comparison training, we will give you practical guidance on how to review the data that the Panel examines. You will learn more about how to understand and analyse data to inform discussions and identify and prioritise risk and improvement areas.
Join the team
We are always looking to recruit panel members, youth champions, organisation ambassadors and volunteers who are interested in making positive proactive changes in our region.