DCCS Panel Reports
Following scrutiny of D&C Police Stop & Search and Use of Force body-worn videos, reports of the DCCS Panel’s assessments and recommendations are publicly shared as part of our commitment to transparency.
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Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) allows any person or organisation anywhere in the world the right of access (subject to exemptions) to any recorded information held by public authorities.
The intention of the Act is to encourage a spirit of openness and transparency within Public Authorities.
Devon and Cornwall Police fully supports this aim. However, in order to protect sensitive material, exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act may prevent some information from being released. Where this happens D&C Police will clearly show where information has not been provided and the reasons for it.
Stop & Search
As well as records, all officers should offer a receipt to subjects of Stop & Search. Most people don’t collect a copy of their receipt but these can be used as evidence if you’d like to challenge the lawfulness of the incident at a later date.
Use of Force
From 1 April 2017, a new way of recording Use of Force tactics became mandatory for all police forces, with officers required to fill out a form every time any type of force is used in the course of their duties.
Equality Information and Reports
Equality information helps identify and understand potential key equality issues across police functions. The police acknowledge they currently do not have data for all protected characteristics and work is ongoing to improve and increase this.
In September 2020, Devon and Cornwall Police launched a new drive to combat discrimination in policing, after listening to the experiences and concerns of people in our minority ethnic communities.
This includes a commitment to regularly publish race disparity data relating to the use of police powers, including Stop & Search, Use of Force and becoming a victim of crime.