This event was brimming with enriching discussions, insightful workshops, and valuable networking.

July 2024 Scrutiny Panel:

Our gratitude to all those who participated in this month's body-worn video scrutiny. Your insights, feedback, and questions are invaluable to our ongoing efforts. Please feel free to share any thoughts or reflections you have from this session.

Housekeeping, etiquette & social media, workshop sign-up

- Nathan Kiyaga

DCCSP introduction and talk (When Trust Matters)

- Nathan Kiyaga

Stop & Search Scrutiny: 2 Cases - GOWISELY

  • Dean Harvey

  • Nathan Kiyaga

  • Caroline Knight

  • Vikki Smith

Welcome and day agenda familiarisation

- Marcus Alleyne


- Seg Zulhayir

Panel reflection / Q&A

- Caroline Knight

Workshop 1: Building Trust Through Trauma

Workshop 2: Maintaining Trust Through Difficult Conversations

Conference Panel

Guest Speaker for the Conference were

  • Dean Harvey,
    Director for DCCS Panel

  • Jim Colwell,
    Chief Constable, Devon & Cornwall Police

  • Alison Hernandez
    Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner

  • Kevin Allen
    Mikes Trust

  • Dr Samantha Hauptman
    Senior Lecturer Criminology Department
    Marjon University

  • David Hodson, OBE KC(Hons) MCIArb;
    The International Family Law Group LLP

  • Mr Jungle
    (Pseudonym to protect his Identity)

DCCS Panel Conference

In light of recent conference feedback, we want to assure you that every piece of information we've received is being carefully reviewed and acted upon. If you haven't already, please take a moment to provide your feedback through our Conference Feedback Form, which is still open.

D&C Police Data

A significant area of focus highlighted in the feedback was the need for current data from Devon and Cornwall Police. Last week, the latest national stop and search (S&S) figures by ethnicity and area were released, accessible via the GOV.UK Ethnicity Facts and Figures portal.

These figures, covering April 2022 to March 2023, reveal that the S&S rate for black individuals in Devon and Cornwall is 10.8 per 1,000, compared to 2.6 per 1,000 for white individuals. This discrepancy results in a disproportionality rate of approximately 4.15%.

The table outlines Devon and Cornwall Police S&S disparity data from 2010 to 2023, highlighting the peak disproportionality in 2019-2020 at 12.2%, the year the DCCS Panel was formed.