Our Team

The Devon and Cornwall Community Scrutiny Panel is made possible through our diverse team of volunteers who increase awareness, recruitment and collaboration within the multiple sectors and communities they work, study and engage with.

Panel members are based across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and all meetings, training and communication takes place online to support zero carbon emissions.

No previous experience or specific skills sets are necessary and free virtual training is provided.

We warmly welcome anyone living in the region, aged 16 and above who’s not held an active role in policing for at least 3 years.

The role of a panel member is to provide an independent voice, free from judgement, where you can express your honest opinion.

D&C Police Senior Leadership Team welcomes community members’ views, knowledge, experiences and challenges.

The DCCS Panel is recognised nationally for their impact on facilitating:

  • Regular access to police scrutiny

  • Opportunities for all members of the community to be heard

  • Much-needed, difficult conversations between police and the public

  • Increasing transparency and raising awareness of police powers and the complaints system
