Selection process
Every month, the DCCS Panel body-worn video case selection sub-group (optional to join) select Stop & Search and Use of Force body-worn videos for the panel’s monthly scrutiny.
Every month, the DCCS Panel body-worn video case selection sub-group (optional to join) select Stop & Search and Use of Force body-worn videos for the panel’s monthly scrutiny.
Selected cases sent to BWVSPOC
Cases with available videos are saved for the panel to scrutinise and those with no videos are followed up through the D&C Police Liaison. Any responses appear in the final report.
*BWVSPOC = Body Worn Video Single Point of Contact
Full panel with BCUs present meets
First Tuesday of the month, members meet online for the independent Scrutiny. Panel members observe local police officers’ body-worn video footage, examine the service offered to the members of the public in line with the college of policing guidelines.
Acting as critical friends, panel members recognise officers who demonstrate best practice as well as calling to account any actions contrary to College of Policing standards.
BCU = Basic Command Unit
Panel compiles & submits report
Following the online Scrutiny, the panel members' contributions are compiled into a report which is sent to the Police Liaison for any missing information that we may be waiting for from the Police as well as making note of the actions which are to be undertaken by D&C Police.
Police receives responses
The panel received any responses from officers scrutinised through the police Liaison. These responses for both officers who are doing a commendable job and those where there is much more learning is required are added to the report. All officers in Red or Amber are monitored and all those officers in green are recommended for peer to peer learning.
Final report published
The panel consolidates all responses and submits the report to Devon and Cornwall police senior leaders and a copy is published on to this website for public reviews. These reports are called upon by His Majesty's inspectorate when there is a review of D&C Police.