Welcome to Devon & Cornwall Community Scrutiny Panel’s August Newsletter!

This past month during scrutiny of local officers' body-worn video footage, the panel requested Stop & Search and Use of Force cases from officers in the North Devon BCU (basic command unit) who had  previous cases rated as ‘Amber’ or ‘Red’.  

Chief Superintendent Jennifer Bristow, Policing Commander for this area of our region, joined the panel’s meeting as a visitor to listen to member’s observations, concerns and recommendations

“I didn’t know what to expect from the DCCSP! I’ve learnt a lot at this month's scrutiny - it has provided me a huge amount of insight as the Policing Commander for North, East and West Devon and I'm incredibly thankful to panel members for giving up their time for such important work.”

During the scrutiny of police footage, panel members observed two cases where officers looked through subjects' mobile phones during their Stop & Search.  We requested further information on the use of this police power and received this link to Section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act



This month we welcomed new panel members Helen, James, Maria, Martin and Uwem!

“The issues and challenges facing the police service are of interest to me, especially as a member of an ethnic minority and I realise I don’t know enough about how the service works. Learning more and making a contribution are important to me.”


Since the panel began in 2020, we have been able to serve our community through the generous contributions of local volunteers.  Over this time, 43 community leaders have supported independent scrutiny of Devon & Cornwall Police by donating 2 hours of their time once a month.

Anyone over the age of 16 from Devon, Cornwall of the Isles of Scilly is warmly invited to join the panel, along with retired police staff living in the region who haven't held an active role in the last 3 years. To find out more email admin@dccspanel.org.uk

Green RAG Rated Case:

This month the panel recognised Sergeant 17857 for their exemplary use of police powers - solely managing a difficult situation through effective de-escalation and communication.  Her professional and respectful actions were the closest to trauma informed practice the panel had seen in a while and panel members commended her conduct.

Finally, if you have any questions about the Chief Constable investigations, please direct them to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner opcc@dc-pcc.gov.uk

Fact Box:

Did you know that according to the ONS (Office of National Statistics) crime figures released in July 2023,  “Devon and Cornwall remain one of the safest places to live and visit in England and Wales”.  

Crime in Devon and Cornwall rose by 3.6%, below the national average of 4.5%. Although some crime types, like shoplifting and bicycle theft, have shown significant increases, this is from a low base and the rates in Devon and Cornwall remain the second lowest in the country.”

Is this your experience living in Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly? We’d love to hear from you.

Quiz Training Question:

The police can use Stop and Search powers as a tool to stop crime in ‘hot spot areas’


Below you’ll find dates for the next online panel meetings with opportunities to meet our members, learn more about the panel’s work and ways you can make a difference:

Upcoming Dates:

Tues 5th September - 2:30 to 4:30pm . Stop & Search and Use of Force Case Scrutiny
Tues 5th September - 7 to 9pm . Stop & Search and Use of Force Case Scrutiny