DCCSP members along with Chief Inspector Mark Beavan, Body Worn Video [BWV] Systems Administrators Karen Janicka observed four BWVs selected by the panel from the previous month's cases. The following identifies points to action, D&C Police responses, case assessments and outstanding areas that require investigation. Karen Janicka updated the panel on body worn video retention: the system of saving non- evidential recordings for a period of 31 days was put in place in 2017 to comply with MOPI and GDPR. A thematic review of data retention is currently being consulted with a proposal to increase the period of time Stop & Search [S&S] footage is saved to 365 days, allowing greater time for investiging areas of concern.
Body Worn Video Assessment .
Body Worn Video Assessment .
Body Worn Videos
Via Microsoft Teams, at the start of each case BWV Systems Administrator Karen Janicka played selected clip, Chief Inspector Mark Beavan read the corresponding report submitted from case officer(s) before the DCCS Panel discussed and submitted the below feedback and assessments. Senior officers in each Force area where the cases under scrutiny took place have been asked to feedback the panel’s observations and reminders for officers. Supervising officers were contacted by MB after the panel meeting to enable Supervisors to view BWV footage that would not be retained beyond 31 days ahead of the panel report.
GROUNDS of the search
OBJECT of the search
WARRANT card [if not in uniform]
IDENTITY [officer name & number]
STATION [where officer is based]
ENTITLEMENT to receipt
LEGAL power used
YOU are detained for S&S
S&S BWV 1 feedback to be provided
Panel were unsure if the S&S was necessary as the BWV audio was very difficult to hear at the start and when the subject kept speaking over the officer - didn’t hear a reason for stop initially.
Panel was unsure if handcuffs were proportionate as the subject was listening and compliant.
Panel questioned a female officer searching male subject when a male officer was present. Female officer did check if the subject was comfortable for her to continue but male officer should have conducted the search.
Actions to be commended:Panel members agreed the female officer kept the situation calm. Despite being hurried up by the subject who didn’t want to listen, she continued to provide information and ask questions in a respectful, professional and polite manner.
Officer’s response not received.
TC sent an email at the time to the officer commending the actions as described.
S&S BWV 2 feedback to be provided
Male officer didn’t turn on his BWV until he got into the police car - training required.
Male officer’s attitude was aggressive - his attitude and actions could have escalated the incident if the female officer wasn’t present.
Panel questioned why the subject was being held onto by male officer / later handcuffed when compliant, and whether he needed to escalate to being detained for a strip search at the station. Some panel members perceived this as a threat of police powers. Subject stated he was happy to be searched in public and the female officer suggested searching out of public view. What is the reasoning for escalation?
Panel asked if officers should caution subjects when they admit to having drugs on them?
Police visitors also assessed the encounter as disproportionate - male officer intervened over the female unnecessarily and jumped in straight away with a strip search threat, contradicting the initial officer.
This encounter was assessed as not being the best service police could have provided.
Actions to be commended:
GOWISELY clearly followed by the female officer (RAG rating would have been higher if male officer had followed her lead).
BWV positioned clearly.
Female officer was respectful, polite and engaged well with the subject.
Officer’s response not received.
This Officer is currently off Long term sick and is not expected to return to work for the foreseeable future.
Body Worn Videos
Via Microsoft Teams, at the start of each case BWV Systems Administrator Karen Janicka played selected clip, Chief Inspector Mark Beavan read the corresponding report submitted from case officer(s) before the DCCS Panel discussed and submitted the below feedback and assessments. Senior officers in each Force area where the cases under scrutiny took place have been asked to feedback the panel’s observations and reminders for officers. Supervising officers were contacted by MB after the panel meeting to enable Supervisors to view BWV footage that would not be retained beyond 31 days ahead of the panel report.
PROPORTIONATE amount of force
LENGTH of force used
ACTIONS of subject warranted use of force
NECESSARY to use force to protect
TYPE used was minimum appropriate
ETHICAL to use force in situation
REASONABLE for officer to employ
UOF BWV 1 feedback to be provided
Very rapid situation from the onset - panel noted the isolation of the officer on his own with a report of knife - forceful communications implemented but didn’t appear to be in control, aggressive and shouting at subjects who then started shouting back. Subjects alleged they’d been attacked - opportunity for de escalation / dialogue.
Bias may have been present regarding subjects drug use - initially excessive and aggressive, could have been a lot calmer.
Panel were unsure if subjects' wellbeing was considered - mental health was mentioned and fainting marked as ‘staged’. Officer appeared relieved but did remain with the subject and made sure he was lying on his side.
Actions to be commended:Panel appreciated that although back up was called, there was a potential threat to the public and officer, which he managed on his own.
Subjects given opportunities to comply.
Officer avoided taser use by warning subjects of deployment.
Officer’s response not received.
UOF BWV 2 feedback to be provided
Panel reported this case as very concerning and requested BWV is marked as evidential for retention and investigation.
Panel requests this case be highlighted to Chief Superintendent Jo Arundale who is focusing on D&C Police engagement with young people.
Panel members and police visitors assessed no deescalation.
Report of earlier public disorder is not proportionate to this level of force.
Officer jumped on one young male from behind with no warning, appearing to be pinning him face down.
Officer deployed a taser very quickly with no warning or reasoning on the second 12 year old male.
Panel could not see how the third male was restrained and the BWV angle prevented effective scrutiny of the entire incident- request investigation.
Language was unprofessional and inflammatory - humiliation and mocking language of “hello boys” as officers ran towards them, shouting at subjects to “shut up”, aggressive swearing.
The welfare and wellbeing of subjects was not considered. Didn’t hear officers ask if subjects were ok following use of force. Taser probes were not removed from the young male who was clearly in pain and appeared to be left unattended for quite a long time.
Panel did not assess the use of police powers as constructive - appeared to be used as punishment. Officers heard shouting “this is what happens when you start fights with police officers”and “nobody cares who you are”.
Use of force was not proportionate, especially with the number of officers present.
There appeared to be no consideration for the young age of the subjects.
No dialogue or attempt at conversation.
PLANTER not followed - training required for all officers present.
These young people will now have a strong mistrust of police.
Officer’s response not received.
I have forwarded this onto Supt Jo Arundale and await her direction. I haven’t asked the officer for any response yet until it is clear whether this is being investigated by our Professional Standards Department.
If it is we will have to be extremely careful what we publish until after processes complete.
Panel response:
Awaiting JA and officer’s response.
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