May 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to Devon and Cornwall Community Scrutiny Panel's May 2024 Newsletter!
These past months in 2024, we have:
Updated our new website with content, resources, and easily digestible reports of our work with body-worn video scrutiny.
Held 8 scrutiny meetings.
Assessed 43 cases involving Stop & Search and Use of Force police powers within Devon & Cornwall Police.
Identified 20 cases of commendation rated 'Green' in the RAG system, recognising officers' necessary, reasonable, and professional use of police powers.
Identified 3 cases of concern rated 'Red' in the RAG system, prompting further investigation into officers' use of police powers in these incidents.
Welcomed and trained 10 new DCCS Panel members from Devon and Cornwall.
Booked 5 new recruits for May's induction training.
Organised our first face-to-face meeting this coming month!
“The Devon and Cornwall Community Scrutiny Panel provides incredibly valuable insight as a BCU Commander.”
Chief Superintendent Jennifer Bristow, North, East and West Devon BCU Commander
Upcoming Events
We're thrilled to announce our inaugural ever in-person gathering, set to take place on Thursday 27 June, 9:30am - 3:30pm at the University of Exeter! This event promises a day brimming with enriching discussions, insightful workshops, and valuable networking opportunities.
What's in Store:
Engaging Discussions on Stop and Search: Dive into meaningful conversations surrounding the important topic of Stop and Search.
Workshops Focusing on Trust and Trauma, and Difficult Conversations: Participate in workshops designed to explore themes of trust, trauma, and navigating difficult conversations with sensitivity and understanding.
Valuable Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers and experts in your field, forging new connections and expanding your professional network. We extend a warm invitation to all members of our community to join us for this special event!.
Kindly RSVP:
Please confirm your attendance using the following link:
Here, you can also inform us of any dietary restrictions or accessibility needs you may have.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to unite in person and support the Devon and Cornwall Community Scrutiny Panel.
We eagerly anticipate seeing you there!
In person conference event pagE LINK BELOW
Our Devon & Cornwall Community Scrutiny Panel Trainer Lisa invites all members of the public aged 16+ from Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly to next month's online training on Tuesday 18th June, 5-7pm to share:
An overview of the police powers Stop & Search (S&S) and Use of Force (UoF)
The DCCS Panel's mission and responsibilities
Training for D&C Police officer footage scrutiny
Assessment of lawful use of police powers
Answers to any questions you may have
To register your interest, please email
Quiz Training Question
A Stop and Search will be present on my criminal record?
New Panel Member Welcome
“I have always had an interest in matters such as this, where wearing a body-camera gives an account of an incident that can be looked at from different perspectives.
I find it fascinating that you can peel away speculation and draw on facts.”
Making Active Change
"The stop search of the below case in North Devon Tesco is now shown as training to officers with the feedback that was given from the DCCS Panel.
This is really good and shows that panel members' feedback is actively changing how officers are being trained with regards to use of police powers."
Chief Inspector Tom Cunningham
Green RAG Rated Stop & Search Case
Male with intent to shoplift - Ilfracombe
Investigation, responses and learning required with:
As the subject appeared to be intoxicated, some of the information provided by the officer could have been delivered slower to help with the questioning.
When removing tablets that aren’t legal, best practice would be to signpost the subject to where he can get the correct support for prescription, especially as the subject was very anxious about them being taken away.
Actions to be commended:
All panel members assessed this encounter as proportionate, ethical and necessary.
Officer arranged a space to conduct S&S away from the shop floor - respecting the subject's privacy / dignity.
GOWISELY was fully followed.
Officer was calm, patient and polite.
Officer’s dialogue was clear, using deescalating techniques as needed.
Incident was not rushed and following this, the officer supported the subject with his shop then took him home safely (and away from risk of crime).
At the end of the BWV clip, the officer encouraged the subject to report a gun incident he’d mentioned.
S&S BWV 1 assessment:
✓ Necessary
✓ Proportionate
✓ Ethical
✓ GOWISELY Followed
Result = Green 2
DCCS Panel Response:
"The DCCS Panel commends this officer's actions and use of police powers in this particular case.”
To read the scrutiny report this case was included in, click the button below…
If you’re interested in observing body-worn footage and learning to assess lawful use of police power, book your free online training with the DCCS Panel.
Following your training, and completion of your application forms, panel members are invited to join D&C Police scrutiny on the first Tuesday of each month.
Our next online scrutiny meetings are scheduled for Tuesday 4th June:
Daytime Scrutiny: 2:55 PM - 5:00 PM
Evening Scrutiny: 6:55 PM - 9:00 PM
DCCS Panel members are invited to attend either or both sessions.
BCU Commander Q&A
DCCS Panel Question: What is D&C Police's engagement with local schools, charities, and CICs that reach out to young people who are more vulnerable or challenging?
Response from Chief Superintendent Roy Linden - BCU Commander for South Devon:
“D&C Police Youth Intervention Officer (YIO) engagement in Schools: YIO’s have regular communication with Schools, generally through the designated safeguarding lead (DSL), in regard to issues and specific young people. They will take referrals from schools for interventions both with regard to individuals and small groups. Small group work will be targeted in relation to specific issues / themes. YIO’s also support the DSL forums where themes and trends are often discussed.
D&C Police Youth Intervention Officer (YIO) Mini Police: YIOs will deliver a 6-week input to Primary Schools (year 7) with regard to ASB. These cohorts will become the Schools Mini Police Team (generally around 20 individuals), wear the uniform and carry out specific pieces of work in the community to deal with ASB (for example, this has included litter picking).
D&C Police Teams’ Involvement with CIC’s / Charities: The team work with a variety of groups where there is a specific need / request. For example, we have the likes of the NOVA Street, Play Torbay, Sound Communities, Assertive Outreach, Turning Heads, Bernardo’s and SPACE operating across South Devon BCU. I know that some of the local teams will link in with these as and when the need arises.”
Share your feedback, ideas or questions about this topic here:
Ride-Along Scheme
D&C Police Ride-Along Scheme is now back in operation, offering members of the public the opportunity to accompany officers and witness firsthand their use of Stop and Search procedures.
Ch Supt Tom Cunningham provided responses for DCCS Panel members’ questions:
Can DCCS Panel members take photos for social media purposes as long as they don't take photos of the members of the public? Yes, this would be fine when going out on patrol.
Can DCCS Panel members go out on patrol outside of their area? Absolutely.
Can DCCS Panel members go out with dog units? I have checked with the Inspector of the Dog Unit and unfortunately due to the Health and Safety risks involved in working with the dogs in a live environment and the type of risks that are present at the incidents that they get sent to, a ride-along is not possible. However if there is interest he could arrange an event where you and the panel get to meet a handler and a dog and talk through their role etc.
email or Register your interest through the D&C Police Ride-Along Form button below…
Between October 2023 and March 2024, black members of public were being Stopped and Searched 16% more than other ethnicities in the Devon & Cornwall Police area.
Stay Connected!
Follow our new LinkedIn account and stay updated on our latest resources and updates across all our social media platforms.
*Quiz Training Question: A Stop and Search will be present on my criminal record?
Answer: False
A criminal record is only kept if someone is convicted of a crime or receives a formal sanction. Being stopped and searched does not result in any sort of criminal record in itself, unless further action is taken.